Tuesday, June 26, 2007


July 7, 2007...7-7-7

...In case you are not aware, this is the luckiest day to be wed this year...and likely one of the most sought-after dates on the 2007 wedding calendar. Two of the luckiest people getting married that day are none other than my cousin David and his beautiful, warm and fun-loving bride-to-be Julie!

This past Saturday, I had a ball taking Enagagement Photos for them, down at the Toronto waterfront. It's where they had their first date...and many dates thereafter - and is still, and always will be, one of their favourite spots to walk, talk and share memories (and the odd ice cream!). We had perfect weather - the sky was a gorgeous blue ('sky blue', to be exact!;0) and it was just the right temperature...a day like we are all hoping for on 7-7-7!

Just in case you want to read more about Julie and David: The Globe and Mail is doing a feature article on this Lucky Number 7 couple and their special day. Get your copy this Saturday (June 30) and read all about my soon-to-be-famous cousins! (Isn't that cool?!)

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